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Do you collect all pens or only specific brands?We collect all unwanted pens across all brands, and even if they have no brand.
Where can I drop off my pens?Please see the updated list of bin locations here.
Can I donate markers/pencils/highlighters/non-refillable pens?Yes!
Can I donate stationery (e.g. ruler, eraser)?Yes. We do sometimes find other stationery in our bins. If they are still usable, we also pass them on to beneficiaries in the region.
I’m going on a community service project overseas with a focus on education, can I request for pens?Yes, please contact us via email with details about your project. In particular, we like to work with groups that go on community projects with an education focus (e.g. building a library, or conducting classes). In exchange, we ask that you provide a short write-up about your project and send us some good shots to be shared on Social Media after your trip.
I would like to volunteer with you, how can I do so?First, drop us a like on Facebook. Save That Pen runs a sorting session once every quarter (about 4 times a year). This typically happens on a Saturday morning for 2 hours. Please look out for our Call For Volunteers on our Facebook page, join the event, and we’ll be in touch!
How can my school participate with Save That Pen?(1) Save That Pen School Starter Kit We have created this school starter kit and you can download it here. This gives you a step by step guide from setting up a pen collection point in school, to the sorting process and so on. Do let us know if you have any queries after reading the guide. (2) Volunteering for our Sorting Sessions Save That Pen runs a sorting session once every quarter (about 4 times a year). This typically happens on a Saturday morning for 2 hours. Please look out for our Call For Volunteers on our Facebook page and you may drop us an email if you intend to have your students come down for the event. (3) Save That Pen Day Once in a few years, Save that Pen organises a Save that Pen Day. It is usually held on a Saturday morning where we engage many schools at one time. The programme differs year on year. In 2014, we ran a sorting activity. In 2017, students helped to refill some pens, which were given out during the annual "Share-A-Textbook" event by NTUC Fairprice, as well as participated in a pen upcycling activity to make pen holders out of unwanted pens.
Can my school just collect the pens without running through the full starter kit?We do not encourage schools to run the Save That Pen programme if they do not have the capacity to refill the pens. The reason we have taken this policy with schools is because we do not want students to just donate their pens without actually thinking about how they can reduce waste in general. We strongly prefer students to be meaningfully involved in the full process from collection, processing, refilling and distribution in the true spirit of environmental education, rather than to just ‘donate’ pens and forget about pen wastage. In introducing Save That Pen, we encourage schools to get the messaging right—it is about reduction of waste and not merely recycling of waste because we are unable to fully recycle the collected pens (see question below on recycling). We urge schools to push this project out in a sustainable manner. Hence, if schools are able to find a way to refill the pens and involve your students, we will be happy to work with you to distribute the pens.
I’m happy to involve students/staff in the process of collection, sorting and refilling. Can I have a bin in school/company?There are a few options including building your own bin (using a box, and the publicity collateral available in our starter kit), or buy one from Peter's Environmental Products & Services Pte Ltd. If you are interested to procure a bin from Peter’s Environmental, please write to us at
What happens to pens that cannot be refilled? Do you recycle your pens?While we do collect all sorts of unwanted pens, non-refillable and non-reusable pens are unfortunately not fully recyclable in the context of today's technological landscape. This is because the pen is made up of an amalgamation of materials which makes it difficult to separate and recycle. Save That Pen has been and continues to look for partners to this end.
What do you do with these pens since they cannot be recycled?After the sorting process, plastic and metal parts that are feasibly separated from the remaining pens are recycled. We may then keep the rest and use them for upcycling activities to raise awareness about waste in more meaningful ways e.g. getting students to make a pen holder using pens and glue.
Why are your bin locations so difficult to get to?You would notice that our bin locations are concentrated in educational institutions as well as institutions that support us. We also have to limit the number of pen bins as there are manpower constraints in collecting the pens from various locations. If you have a creative idea to help us out with this, do drop us a line as we’ll love to hear from you!
Can I send you the pens?Yes, this is possible. However, do consider the carbon footprint and plastic required to mail the pens over. If you do have a good number of pens that may be useful to us, and are still keen to mail us. Please email us or drop us a note via facebook and we’ll be in contact.
Why do you not collect more interesting items like batteries?Save That Pen is not just about recycling. Our primary purpose is to spread the message of sustainability, in particular reducing unnecessary consumption, rather than providing a channel for recycling.
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